Quick Fact:
Stone Slinger
Duivenvoorden's robotic Stone Slinger is able to deliver gravel and propel it accurately up to 75 feet from the back tires. Need to deliver stone over a fence, into a yard, or fill a foundation evenly from above? The Stone Slinger makes it easy—and fast.

About Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd.

Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd. :: The First Dump Truck Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd. began in 1975 when John Duivenvoorden Senior purchased a single dump truck (pictured at right) and founded the company along with his wife, Patricia.

John Duivenvoorden Jr., Jody the dog, and a dump truck. 14 years later, John Duivenvoorden Junior (pictured at right with dog, Jody) purchased the company from his father and became the sole owner of the company.

From these humble beginnings, Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd. has grown steadily into a fleet of more than 25 trucks and 20 pieces of equipment with an outstanding team of operators who know their product, and are passionate about providing you the best service possible.

Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd. :: Our truck fleet is more than 25 trucks strong

Duivenvoorden Haulage Ltd. is 49 years strong, and we look forward to providing for all your aggregate needs. Contact us today to find out how we can help fulfil any order.
Toll Free: 844-363-4999